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Elyssa Schneider

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The battle with depression that has lasted more than 20 years is finally over! Thanks to each of you who have prayed and sent funds to cover the medical bills. Getting the necessary treatments would have been impossible without you. And now, I'm finally free from depression and chronic illness. It's hard to remember the last time I felt this well. Truly the Lord is with us and able to see us through the darkest moments. 
Recovering fully is still a process; the doctors say to give it a few more months. I'm not yet able to hold down a full-time job so I'm focusing on writing, drawing, and listing cowboy boots on eBay (a little part-time job I was offered). I'm also working on creating a YouTube channel in order to connect with those who are struggling as I was. Through this medium, I can share the answers I've found and the hope that is in Christ. Thank you so much for continuing to walk this journey with me. I could not do this without you.