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John & Pearl Tyler

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The Tyler family joined the team at Biblical Ministries Worldwide in Lawrenceville in March of 2021. They were appointed as missionaries that summer. John serves at the Home Office overseeing operations and member services. Together, they also serve as Area Leaders for the South Pacific region, serving about 14 BMW missionary families.

John and Pearl are both graduates of West Coast Baptist College. After graduating, John began to serve as part-time faculty and administrative assistant to the music department chairman. In 2014, John was appointed department chair and led the program for six years. Pearl served in a variety of roles from finances to human resources before becoming a full-time mother of their four children. In addition to their staff roles, John and Pearl led a young couples connection group for over five years. During that time, they were involved in discipleship, counseling, teaching, and outreach with a wonderful group of young families.