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Biblical Ministries Worldwide utilizes Managed Missions for short-term trips and opportunities.

Click HERE for a complete list of our short-term trips.

Invest 1-2 weeks gaining exposure to cross-cultural ministry. Spanish language ability not required. Please note participants will need to walk...
Do you love the great outdoors and winning souls for Christ? This could be your mission field!
Summer workers needed! Dates are flexible.
Invest 7-10 days assisting with evangelistic outreach to help a new church plant in Mexico. (A team of 8-10 people is desired.)
Join a team of 10-12 people to get a vision for the spiritual need in Warsaw, Poland.
Join a team with an actionable plan to establish healthy churches in every region of Ecuador.
Pastors and other adults are invited to join this trip led by Paul Seger. We invite you to to catch a vision for the spiritual needs of Indonesia...
A BMW missionary in Argentina has a vision to plant 10 churches in 10 surrounding towns in the Punilla Valley, where his family is ministering in...
Skilled school teachers needed! Teach and share your faith. Fill the gap before someone with a false religious teaching does.
Invest 8-10 days getting introduced to missions in Ecuador.