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Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe

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Britain and Continental Europe have been the incubator for some of the most important political and philosophical ideas for over a millennium. Over more than a century, confidence in the continent’s foundational Judeo-Christian values have been undermined, even rejected and as a result has fallen pray to value systems that are radically opposed to the dignity and value of all human life, critical thinking and freedom which used to be its hallmarks. So the aim of the project long-term is to re-establish the centrality of Judeo-Christian values in the policymaking circles of Britain and the European continent once more.

In order to do this, project staff will be working below the radar in policy centres in Britain and mainland Europe influencing strategic officials and politicians.  It will also be working within academia; within important Politics departments to influence curriculums and thereby impact the thinking of future officials and politicians for the longer-term.

The project will use pre-existing relationships and the establishment of new relationships with policymakers of the British Parliament, European Union as well as British and European academia to help re-establish the centrality of the Christian thinking which has been lost on the continent over the past century or so.

Your partnership in this project through prayer and donation will make a multi-generational impact on a set of policymakers who continue to have a significant global impact but have lost sight of their heritage and values.