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Biblical Ministries Worldwide utilizes Managed Missions for short-term trips and opportunities.

Click HERE for a complete list of our short-term trips.

Pastors and other adults are invited to join this trip led by Paul Seger. We invite you to to catch a vision for the spiritual needs of Indonesia...
Missions is not only international. There are plenty of opportunities to serve at a growing, missionary-led ministry in Utah.
Love kids? Love Sports? Check this out!
Gain exposure to the needs and opportunities in Indonesia; learn to reach unreached people groups and how to do cross-cultural ministry. Tom Kweder...
Invest 7-10 days assisting with evangelistic outreach to help a new church plant in Mexico. (A team of 8-10 people is desired.)
Skilled school teachers needed! Teach and share your faith. Fill the gap before someone with a false religious teaching does.
Invest 8-10 days getting introduced to missions in Ecuador.
Join a team of 10-12 people to get a vision for the spiritual need in Warsaw, Poland.
Invest 1-2 weeks gaining exposure to cross-cultural ministry. Spanish language ability not required. Please note participants will need to walk...
Join a team with an actionable plan to establish healthy churches in every region of Ecuador.