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Joel & Sarah Bourdess

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Joel and Sarah travel to the missionaries and provide them with video content that the missionaries can use in their ministry, whether that's update videos to share with supporters, recruitment videos for workers in a specific area, etc. They also work on videos for the home office and BMW's website and social media. Their goal is to provide high-quality video content that can help enable the spread of the gospel.

When they are not traveling, Joel and Sarah live in Kansas City, Kansas. They have a two-year-old son, Amos. Joel and Sarah went to Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, and graduated in 2014. Joel studied Bible at Calvary as well as film at a local state university. Sarah studied music. They are passionate about using the arts to glorify God and make His work known. Their theme verse is Psalm 105:1, "Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!"


Contact and Connect: 


Facebook: Joel & Sarah Missions Videography

Youtube: Make Known