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Joshua & Lauren Allinger

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What are we currently doing?  For a number of years Josh was working at a hotel in Oak Brook IL, in the revenue department. But starting in Apr of 2019 we transitioned to full-time deputation to raise prayer and financial support. Lauren is a stay-at-home mom.

Why France? First and foremost, it’s because that is where God has called us! We both have a desire to see the French people come to know Christ as their savior. We also both feel specifically prepared, after our time as missionary kids in Utah, to go to a field like France where the churches are few and far between.

With whom are you going? Our sending churches are Provo Bible Church and Westchester Bible Church. Our sending mission board is Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Financial support is handled through BMW. Checks should be made out to them with a note included that the check is for us.

What will you do in France? We will be going to plant churches. Our model will be to go to a city where there is no church, evangelize and start a Bible study with the new and existing believers, and then train up leaders from within the church to take over as we move on to the next community.

Do you know French? We each took French in college and have a small foundation in the language. We’ll learn the rest after we move there, most likely through language school.

How much financial support do you need? We need around $8,000 monthly based on the cost of living in France and the exchange rate between the Euro and the Dollar. There will also be one-time, out-going expenses such as visa fees, plane tickets, vehicle, and establishing a home in France.

How can we pray for you? You can pray for Contacts (Col 4:3), Clarity (Col 4:4), Courage (Eph 6:19-20), Conversions (2 Th 3:1), Care (2 Th 3:2), Christlikeness (Phlp 1:19-21), Coping (2 Cor 1:11), and Co-Workers (Lk 10:2).

When will you leave for France? We will leave as soon as we have the funds and visas in place.  We will also need to continue language training, though we may finish once we get to France.

How long will you be in France? For as long as God allows us! We see ourselves “retiring” there. We will come back to the States every few years on furlough as well.