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Aarhus Church Plant - Kaltoft

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Our mission mission is God's mission, which is The Great Commission.

We want to fulfill the Great Commission in Scandinavia by:
  • Evangelizing the lost.
  • Preaching God's word expositionally.
  • Discipling mature believers.
  • Equipping church leaders.
  • Planting healthy churches.
  • Translating Christian literature into Danish.
How are we going to do this mission?

Our goal is to plant a church in a city named Aarhus this year.

The reason why we want to target Aarhus is very strategic. It's the second-largest city in Denmark with 330.000 people. It's a dynamic university city with many nationalities from all over the world.

Every year, thousands of unbelieving students from all over Denmark move to Aarhus to study. They spent between 3-8 years in Aarhus before returning to their hometown to work and settle with their families.

We want to intercept their lives with the gospel, reach them for Christ, and disciple them while living in Aarhus so that they will live passionate lives for Christ. And when they return to their hometown, they will carry the gospel with them and be equipped to help plant more healthy churches.

You can think of it as an influx of unbelievers to Aarhus and an outflux of equipped believers that are ready to reach the lost in all corners of Denmark, Scandinavia, and even the world.
Many Christians don't have a healthy church family close to their hometown. They drive more than an hour every Sunday to attend a worship service. By God's grace, we hope to see more solid churches planted all around Denmark and Scandinavia in our lifetime.