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Israel Relief Fund

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Dear Friends,

The horrifying events of the October 7th attack have left us all in a state of shock. Our hearts are heavy with concern for the people of Israel.

In times like these, our love for the people of Israel and our commitment to the hope of the gospel compel us to take action. However, due to the sensitive nature of the situation and the complex needs of those involved, we are unable to disclose the specifics of our aid initiatives.

We want to assure you that our dedicated BMW team members, some of whom have been integral parts of our mission family for decades, are actively involved. We have the utmost confidence in their commitment to the people of Israel and their work in spreading the gospel across the broader Middle East.

If you share our passion for supporting, seeking, and saving lives, we would appreciate your help. Your generous gift regardless of the amount, will contribute to our ongoing efforts, and be put to immediate use.

We sincerely appreciate your consideration during these trying times.