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Ukraine Ministry Fund

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Latest Ukraine Update from Biblical Ministries Worldwide on Vimeo.


If you’ve joined us in this initiative, Thank You! Only eternity will tell the whole story of how this has impacted people’s lives. The video in this email shows a snippet of the work happening in cities closest to the front. Together we can have a small hand in helping churches reach their communities. We have a 100% matching gift for any donations that come to BMW for the Ukraine Ministry project until March 31.

The world has changed in so many ways over the last five years that it has been hard for all of us to keep up. The response by churches and missionaries to these changes has been just as hard to understand.

We have a chance to give as many as 200,000 in-person Gospel presentations. We are partnering with 100 churches across southern and eastern Ukraine to accomplish this. Monthly outreach events are taking place across the country in these churches. Hungry people will receive several week's worth of essential food, warmth, and spiritual help through their local church.

Your involvement is crucial and time-sensitive. There are 3 ways to give now:

Church-to-Church Partnership: $18,000 contribution from mission funds

Your church can directly partner with a Ukrainian church. An $18,000 contribution covers food, heat, and essential aid, and supplies a copy of God's Word, impacting around 2,000 people over the cold six months of November through April. Would your church consider adding this amount to your church's mission budget? Your church will have the opportunity to have direct contact with your partner congregation in Ukraine. You can speak directly, work together, and help one another.

Support a local church for one month: $2,000

A $2,000 contribution covers the campaign costs for a specific church over one of the six months. This provides you with a direct opportunity to collaborate with your partner church in Ukraine.

Support a local church for one day: $100

A $100 donation covers the one-day costs of the project, contributing to the overall success of this initiative.

While we appreciate any amount, we hope you can consider giving within one of these categories based on your means. This project offers an extraordinary chance to support our brothers and sisters striving to share the gift of life, transcending mere physical sustenance. They are actively working towards this goal, and we can enhance their efforts by directly engaging with 200,000 people through God's love. Would you prayerfully consider making a personal or church-to-church gift today?

To Give by Check or Cash:
  • Make payable to Biblical Ministries Worldwide
  • Indicate on the check or separate paper "Ukraine Ministry Fund"
  • Mail to
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
1595 Herrington Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043