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The Kaltofts

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Spiritual Climate
The Scandinavian nations have been considered the most secular, non-religious on earth. The Scandinavian nations are the epitome of secular, modern, and affluent people. They sit atop Europe both geographically and economically. Spiritually, however, these post-Christian societies are far away from God! Their vast collection of vacant churches paints a clear picture of religious decline.In fact, current statistics reveal that there might be less than 2% Christians in Scandinavia, considering Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland host more than 20 million people. The gospel need is enormous in these first-world countries, but the gospel workers are very few.
The Solution
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” — Jesus
We are passionate about reaching Scandinavia for Christ. As a Danish national, the Lord has given my family and me a tremendous burden for my homeland and fellow countrymen. Our mission is to glorify God by multiplying mature disciples and healthy churches that know Jesus Christ and make Him known.We are led by God’s word and strive to accomplish our mission God’s way. We want to fulfill the Great Commission in Scandinavia by:
  • Evangelizing the lost by presenting the glorious gospel of Christ both in private conversation and the public square.
  • Preaching the word of God verse by verse with boldness, clarity, and authority for the edification of God’s people.
  • Discipling believers to worship God, teaching them to obey His word in thought, word and deed.
  • Equipping leaders to fulfill the great commission by evangelizing, discipling, and planting healthy churches.
  • Planting healthy, confessional, and missional churches that multiply across Denmark and Scandanavia.
  • Translating biblical sound Christian books from English into Danish to reach believers and the Danish people’s hearts and minds. 
The Partnership
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” — Apostle Paul
Ministry Partners
The Lord has called us to go, but will you hold our ropes? A story is told about William Carey, one of the best-known early missionaries in India. When Andrew Fuller said to him, “There is a gold mine in India, but it seems almost as deep as the center of the earth!” William Carey immediately replied, “I will venture down but remember that you must hold the ropes.” Likewise, we humbly ask that you would prayerfully consider “holding our ropes” and partnering with us in our mission by praying and financially supporting us as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission and spark a new reformation in Europe.
Become a Ministry Partner
We would love for you (and your family) to become one of our beloved and cherished ministry partners and together with us reach Scandinavia for Christ!
Please visit our ministry website to learn more about us, our ministry, and how you can become one of our beloved and cherished ministry partners. VISIT OUR MINISTRY WEBSITEMuch love in Christ, Mika, Fabi, Kalea, Levi and Luana :-)